Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Status Report: Issue #27

Issue #27 of Other People Exist, which features such classics as "How to Overplan Your Trip" and "Why You Suck," mailed out Friday, May 14, 2010, at 3:45 PM. The issue will enter the mailstream tomorrow at approximately 8:00 AM, after USPS picks up the mail from the drop box around the corner. Subscribers should begin their vigil by the mailbox Monday morning early, as a two day transit time is not uncommon.

Cover stars have been expurgated

OPE mug in situ

The sole purchaser of an OPE mug (besides me) brandishing her mug (1 of 3) for the camera:

OPE issue #27 is conceptually finished; all that is left is for me to draw and write it.


click to enlarge

I will be on the road until May 1, and Issue #27 of OPE will have to wait until I get back. OPE recently moved from a bimonthly to a biwhenever publication precisely so that I could be more free with my time. Kudos to me.

Work begins on issue #27

Work continues on Issue #27 of Other People Exist. Here is a sample drawing from the new issue (click to enlarge):

An email to a lapsed subscriber:

Dear Former Subscriber,
We understand that you recently moved house, and now that you're all settled in, you want to renew your long-neglected subscription to OPE zine. I wish it were that simple.

You see, your behavior has consequences. When you neglect someone, it causes them to feel resentment. That's a pretty negative feeling, and it can make a person do some pretty awful things, such as talk smack about you, spread terrible lies, and FedEx you their excreta or the excreta of another. And there's no one to blame for those crimes but you.

You probably think $24 (the renewal fee) will assuage all those terrible feelings. It does go a long way, but if you want to demonstrate true remorse, you should include a US$5 late fee. Only then can real healing begin.

You've been lucky, as you know from the lack of parcels you've received containing excreta. But don't delay. I poop every day.

Kurt of OPE

Overheard at MOMA

click to enlarge; do not click and it will stay the same

All issues of OPE #26 have arrived

Other People Exist, Issue #26, has arrived at its northernmost destination (as evidenced by this photo of a dog being forced to wear glasses), indicating that it has probably arrived everywhere. I am currently resting on my laurels.

Reader feedback re: Issue #26 of Other People Exist has begun trickling in

Read what people are saying:

OPE is especially good this month - a lapsed subscriber, now returned to the fold

Just got my OPE which is always reassuring [sic] - one of OPE's smarter subscribers

I have not yet read OPE - a long-time subscriber

The latest (and final) email reminder to lapsed subscribers:

Hi. This is Malcolm, the OPE intern again. Issue #26 of Other People Exist (The Fifth Annual Death/Christmas Issue) mailed out yesterday, but I cannot release your copy until I have received your $24 remittance. Kurt tried to get me to mail you the issue anyway, telling me what a great subscriber you've been and saying It's not about the money, but I refused.

Kurt says the latest issue might be the best ever (as judged by Kurt). It includes such future classics as I'm Not Gay, Much and The Hipster Holocaust, as well as Kurt's annual Christmas letter. And Kurt says he tried to keep filler to an absolute minimum (though some is unavoidable). I watched him labor over this issue until his fingers were pink with wear, so I know just how good it ostensibly is.

Your $24 will do more than keep the issues flowing for the rest of Year Five. It will restore your good name in the community and seal your status as a supporter of American art, regardless of quality. Won't you renew today? Your checkbook is where you left it.

OPE intern

The Fifth Annual Death/Christmas Issue

Issue #26 (The Fifth Annual Death/Christmas Issue) mailed out today at approximately 12:23 PM। Please wait quietly by your mailbox for its arrival.

OPE recognizes the arrival of the new drum cartridge

The latest issue of OPE (#26) was delayed by a copier breakdown, but today we rejoice in the arrival of a new drum cartridge. Copying will recommence tomorrow, and the latest issue should be in subscribers' hot little hands in the next few days. Enjoy!

The All Parody Issue

The Other People Exist All Parody Issue, containing the best of Kurt's ad and cartoon parodies, was published in 2009 with the idea that Kurt would sneak it onto the shelves of area bookstores. Kurt chickened out at the very first store he entered, leaving him with six copies of this rare issue. Recently, he gifted a copy to blogger VE as a thank you for this year's commenting payola, and VE had this to say about the issue:

Fantastic! - VE, via electronic mail

Readers enjoying their OPE

A recent email to OPE subscribers who have not yet renewed:

Dear OPE subscriber,
Hi, this is Malcolm again, the college intern at Other People Exist zine. Kurt is finishing up the 5th annual Death/Christmas issue (issue #26), and unfortunately, you are currently not on our mailing list. This is because you forgot to renew/refuse to renew/have passed away. Kurt plans to complete the issue and have it at your doorstep before Christmas Day, which falls on the 25th this year. But you must renew to receive this blessed issue.

Kurt explicitly instructed me to keep the tone of this renewal reminder professional, but I can't help mentioning the long hours I've spent waiting for the arrival of your moneys. Just because I'm imaginary doesn't mean things don't bother me.

If you prefer not to receive any more issues of OPE, simply harden your heart against my earnest request and ignore the call to support American art in an age that is so badly in need of it. And Happy Holidays!


Photo courtesy of Perpetual Chocoholic

Issue #26 of Other People Exist

Issue #26 will be released in December. Here are some non-fake comments from readers of Issue #25:

"Hilarious as always"

"I NEED it, bimonthly or biwhenever"

"It is great and...I love it."

Other People Exist zine

ope zine #9

Other People Exist is a zine started in October 2004 by cartoonist and elementary school teacher Kurt Xxxxxx. The zine consists primarily of comics and prose by the author and guest contributors. Also known as OPE, the zine is produced on a Sharp AL-800 copier and hand-folded and stapled by the author, who closely inspects each finished copy for blemishes.

OPE zine is one of the most expensive zines available today, at $4 per issue ($24 for a one year subscription)। Subscribers consist of fans of the author's work and friends who feel sorry for Kurt, who hasn't held a paying job in over four years.

फ्रॉम : अंडी Rahli

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